
Submitted by Julia Engel

First, all is still.

Then, the water boils.

You can’t wait to eat your fill.

As the pasta begins to soften,

you wonder if it’s almost ready.

It’s a dish you eat quite often–

delicious, perfect spaghetti.

Now, you take the strainer

and quickly dump in the pasta.

The steam burns your fingers.

Still, it feels like a win.

The heat makes you a bit sweaty.

You prepare a bowl, but would rather have a bin

of delicious, perfect spaghetti.

You put three scoops of noodles in,

and get out the butter and cheese.

Put it all together with a grin.

When mixing with a utensil

you hold the bowl steady.

This step is essential to enjoy

delicious, perfect spaghetti.

-By Julia Engel

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